Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Management info Systems class discussion wk9 Essay

Management info Systems class discussion wk9 - Essay Example Various organizations consider several factors before selecting the type of organization structure. Among the factors considered are; cost of using each, customer base, targeted group, the language used, technology supported among others. Companies that adopt the global organization structures are mainly financially way from the other companies. I find the global structure as it reaches a greater radius; this opens new and greater opportunities for enlarging these companies compared to the other structures. The global organization structure also presents significant obstacles among all the other GIS organizational structures as it requires; greater finances, network barriers due to technological backwardness, more significant consultations needed and language barriers, and problems of management that come up due to operating in large scale among other major challenges. The problem of a language barrier can be done by including language options in their GIS. More experienced and knowledgeable GIS experts can be employed to ensure the problem of management due to operating in large scale  gets  solved while the problem of network can be solved by using more sophisticated and advanced servers. In a nutshell, organization structures vary mainly in the coverage and the systems adopted in such organization when using the Global Information

Monday, October 28, 2019

Country Case Report for China Essay Example for Free

Country Case Report for China Essay The third largest land area in the world belongs to the People’s Republic of China. Presently, its population is the largest on the record and its capital, Beijing is the economic and cultural center. China’s economic growth greatly improves due to the trend of poverty reduction during the period of 1980-1990. From 542 million to 375 million, shrinking by 167 million, China’s poverty population exceedingly reduced. Angang stated that China’s achievements in poverty reduction made huge contributions to the cause of poverty reduction of the world (2). According to World Bank, the poverty population of the world dropped off by 98. 3 million. Among the five Asian countries with the most condensed poverty population are India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia, and according to the industrial poverty line, China’s current proportion of poverty population is the lowest. Statistics show that China has experienced a period of human history in which poverty population decreased by a largest margin in the past 2 decades, and reversed the trend that poverty population has been increasing in the past five decades in the world history, causing the poverty population of the world to decrease for the first time. That is to say, without China’s efforts of poverty reduction, the poverty population of the world would have increased from 848 million in 1980 to 917 million in 1990. (Angang, 2-3). Ambassador Baodong stated that the Development-oriented Poverty reduction program for Rural China for the period of 2001-2010 generated grand effects in the global poverty reduction. The number of rural population in China declined to 21. 48 million and 2. 3% of national poverty incidence was accounted for the 55% of global poverty reduction in 2007 (Baodong, 1). Technological development plays a vital role in the country’s economic growth. From 1980 to 1990, China’s expenditure amounted to US $17billion for imported technology. The trend of research and development made an immense leap. As a result there has been a modest amount of growth in the country’s development however the inefficiencies posted to be the chief dilemma. At the end of 1990, statistics illustrated that 50 of Shanghai’s large and medium enterprises only reached 10 percent of international level of quality standards and 30 percent arrived at the prototype stage using the new programs. From the year 2001 – 2005, this country became a major IT nation in the world, standing third place in manufacturing setting and first rank in telecommunications. The business cycle of the Chinese economy had undergone substantial magnitude from the time when the government established in the mid1950’s centralized economic management and planning. The period from 1979-1990 was depicted with relative stability and high escalation. In 1955-1978 economic growth rates, the movement went from 5. 7 percent to 9. 3 percent in 1979 to 1993 period. Investment cycles, harvest fluctuations, political disturbances, inflation and periodic retrenchments are the major factors that affect business cycles. Downturn was evident during 1980-1981, then an upswing from 1982 – 1989 and the business cycle in 1989 was another downturn and an upturn in 1990. Imai’s stated that his conclusion on Chinese business cycle stated that cycle interacts with exogenous shocks and generates business cycles with dissimilar amplitude and duration. An investment cycle is generated by patterned reaction of central planners who adjust the level of fixed investment in response to capacity pressure, an indicator of macroeconomic tension. An instititutional prerequisite of this cycle is the weak financial accountability of state enterprises (178). Economists added that the efficiency wedge, which represents institutional change and technology advance, was the main source of economic fluctuations in 1978 2006. The amplitude of it fluctuation declined after 1992, which resulted in moderation of business cycle fluctuations. Distortions manifest themselves as taxes on investment, which represents frictions in the capital market, became another economic fluctuation source after 1992, which is different from results of business cycle accounting on US and Japan data. Results also show that government consumption and net exports played minor roles in generating business cycles (Gao). China’s world trade generated a strong impact on its growth. Imports and exports led China to be among the world’s most significant export destinations for other Asian countries. Since the year 1979, the country’s global trade gradually improved. Presently, Japan’s exports of 11 percent came from China, before it was only 2 percent during the end of 1990. The Chinese government implemented tariff reductions in order to continue its longstanding trend in world trade. During 2004, China’s tariff rates dropped from 0. 6 to 10. 4 percent. Part of the country’s trade reforms to (WTO) World Trade Organization is to lessen tariff rates and eliminate import quotas and licenses, opening sectors for foreign country involvement such as telecommunications, financial and insurance services. Complete access to foreign participants is greatly assured through automatic licensing procedures. Eradication of limitations on trading and domestic distribution for majority of goods is also part of the plan. According to WTO, China will retain import state trading for wheat, rice, corn, sugar, tobacco, cotton and chemical fertilizers, as with export trading, corn, tea, rice, coal, silk, crude and processed oils, cotton, tungsten and ammonium products are included. In addition to this, China had been permanently bestowed with the most-favored-nation (MFN) treatment by other participants of WTO. As response to this honor, some countries have abolished restrictions on China’s imports. The contributing factor for the possible boost in China’s trade is when quota restrictions are lifted. China’s membership to World Trade Organization made enormous effect on some of the trends in relation to the role of China in international trade. Examples comprise of its magnetism to foreign investors and developing role in global export base. This is evident in IMF statistics that showed its market share in Japan, United States and Europe, from the period 1980 to 1990, an overall total of 10. 3 percent, and end of 2003, a whopping 37 percent (Source: IMF, Direction of Trade Statistics). â€Å"Just as water always flows to the lowest point, China is bound to be the first option for foreign capital investment (â€Å"Chinas Cheap† A1). China’s labor force is considered cheap and also of good quality. It is estimated that 100 million of employees in rural areas are likely to be waiting to be changed to urban workers. The Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) is a significant gauge to quantify the labor supply of PR China. In the period of 1980-1990, the LFPR in China is higher among other countries. The most likely basis is moderately low income level. There is high participation in the labor force among women because one wage earner is inadequate to support a family. In the last 5 years (2002-2007), women’s participation in the labor force exceedingly increased according to APEC statistics. Presently, the government was executing the guidelines which were implemented during 1997, which was the division of labor market between urban and rural areas. The labor market is exclusively for high school graduates or those with lower educational background. This probable outcome of this situation is the layoffs in urban places and labor surplus in rural areas. In the coming years, it has been forecasted that China might face a nationwide labor shortage. The country is fast approaching the â€Å"Lewisian turning point†. It is a theory by Arthur Lewis stating the turning point from surplus labor to labor scarcity. In the year 1980, State Council issued a decree prohibiting the use of foreign exchange for making payments in China. Foreign exchange rates or Waihui, equal in value to the Renminbi at effective rate, were put into circulation for use by nonresidents only. It could be use for transportation fares, hotel bills and purchases at Friendship stores. Then in 1981, the foreign trade rate was since fixed at 2. 80 from 1. 750. In 1985, the internal settlement rate was abolished and all trade was governed by the Effective Rate. A foreign exchange retention quota also exists for a portion of export proceeds. Authorization was granted for Chinese residents to hold foreign exchange and open foreign exchange accounts and to deposit and withdraw funds in foreign exchange. In the year 1986, The trade-weighted basket of currencies was abandoned and the Effective Rate was placed on a controlled float based on developments in the balance of payments and in costs and exchange rates of Chinas major competitors. Shanghai International Trust and Investment Corporation was authorized to handle exchange business. In 1988, early this year, all domestic entities which are allowed to retain foreign exchange earnings were granted permission to trade in the adjustment centers, and by October 1988, 80 adjustment centers were established. Initially, a relatively small volume of transactions took place in these markets, but the volume has increased substantially since access to the centers was expanded. The Foreign Exchange Swap Rate was 6. 60 from 3. 72. In 1989, regulations were issued governing the use of foreign exchange obtained in foreign exchange adjustment centers. Imports of inputs for the agricultural sector, textile, and for technologically advance and light industries were given priority. Purchases of foreign exchange for a wide range of consumer products were prohibited. Such corporations are permitted to sell in China for foreign exchange provided that the sales involve purchases under the Governments annual import plan, sales in Special Economic Zones and other promotional areas, and sales of import substitutes. The Foreign Exchange Swap Rate was 5. 40 from 3. 72. By the end of 1990, The Foreign Exchange Swap Rate was 5. 70 from 5. 22. (Ka Fu) Presently, Premier Jiabao stated in the Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors of the African Development Bank Group in Shanghai that the government continues to push the Renminbi exchange rate reform in order to confer larger range to the role of the market. The reform permits citizens to purchase more foreign currencies and commercial banks. Financial market development has been highlighted with China’s monetary reforms. The Peoples Bank of China (PBC) has made great strides in modernizing its monetary policy frameworks but their effectiveness will diminish as the sophistication of the economy increases. Empirical evidence supports maintaining a reference to money in Chinas monetary strategy and enhancing the role of interest rates in its conduct (Maino, 44). The most suitable monetary strategy for China would be an eclectic monetary policy framework, whereby the growth in money supply and bank credit extension are used as intermediate guidelines for the determination of short-term interest rates. In addition, in deciding on the most appropriate monetary policy stance, developments in a number of other variables need to be taken into consideration, because the monetary aggregates are loosing some of their usefulness as indicators of future inflation due to structural changes in the economy (Maino, 40). The IMF also points out that Chinese monetary policy could improve noticeably if the central bank were granted more discretionary power to set interest rates. In the last two years, increases in the trade surplus and significant inflows of foreign capital have led to a large accumulation of international reserves, which has further complicated monetary policy handling. In this respect, the IMF has welcomed the changes introduced into the Chinese exchange rate system as a significant step towards making this system more flexible. Although it is difficult to define an equilibrium exchange rate, and not just revaluation, must be adopted if china is to increase the independence of its monetary policy and shield its economy against external shocks (Ruete, 8). Works Cited Angang, Hu. China’s economic growth and poverty reduction (1978-2002). 2 June 2003. IMF. 20 April 2008 http://www. imf. org/external/np/apd/seminars/2003/newdelhi/angang. pdf. Baodong, Li. Remarks by Ambassador LI Baodong At Ministerial Roundtable Breakfast of Economic and Social Council On Food, Nutrition and Agriculture: Working Together to End Hunger. 12 July 2007. China-UN. 22 April 2008 http://www. china-un. ch/eng/xwdt/t339666. htm Chinas Cheap, High-quality Labor Lures Foreign Investment. Editorial. Xinhua News Agency 21 December 2002, A1. Gao, Xu. Business Cycle Accoounting for the Chinese Economy. N. p. : n. p, n. d. http://www. wdi. umich. edu/files/Publications/WorkingPapers/wp795. pdf Imai, Hiroyuki, Explaining Chinas Business Cycles. 6 June 1996. IDE. 22 April 2008 http://www. ide. go. jp/English/Publish/De/pdf/96_02_03. pdf. Ka Fu, Wong. International Economics. 1 January 2007. 23 April 2008. http://intl. econ. cuhk. edu. hk/exchange_rate_regime/index. php? cid=8. Manio, Rodolfo. China: Strengthening Monetary Policy Implementation. 1 January 2007. Social Science Research Network. 23 April 2008 http://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm? abstract_id=959761. Ruete, Javier. The Development of Chinas Export Performance. 7 March 2006. Central Reserve Bank of Peru. 23 April 2008 http://www. bcrp. gob. pe/bcr/dmdocuments/Ingles/Comunicaciones/Press_200602. pdf.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Peace of God Essay -- Essasys Papers

Peace of God The â€Å"Peace of God† encompasses a wide array of definitions. â€Å"Peace of God† is a gift from God. It is simpler than the peace that we may think. For example, I picked a sample of three gentlemen in my fraternity and asked them what is their first thought that arises with the phrase â€Å"Peace of God.† The responses in order was: . A society without wars . A God that condemns wars . A union of all religions. As interesting as their responses are, my research has found that the peace that God has endowed within his people are, â€Å"peace of mind and heart.† Site exhibits an interesting viewpoint of â€Å"Peace of God.† It begins by defining peace from the bible, where peace came from a Greek word â€Å"eireinei,† which refers to the â€Å"mental attitude of tranquility based on a relationship with God in the Christian way of life.† The site further analyzes â€Å"peace† in two ways. â€Å"There is a personal peace of God which comes when a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior.† â€Å"There is the peace of God which is available on a daily basis as the believer participates in the Christian way of life according to the plan of God.† The site continues further by emphasizing that â€Å"Peace of God is never available apart from Grace.† Essentially through God's Grace, he dissolved the barrier between man and God. So that when â€Å"the unbeliever responds to Grace by faith, the result is peace.† Another site I found interesting in the way they defined â€Å"peace† was This site contains diverse definitions of the biblical view of â€Å"peace.† Although this site does not exactly define the phrase â€Å"Peace of God,† the ..., and calmness†. Although I believe I have concluded my search for the â€Å"Peace of God,† I decided to search one more site. The site that I found is, which similar to the former site. It begins by defining God's peace in two ways, â€Å"Freedom from worries, troubles, and fears.† â€Å"Peace of mind: a state of friendliness and calm.† These two definitions regarding the peace of God are relevant in the life of a chivalrous knight in that a knight faces adversity many times. One cannot be worried or troubled because it is a waste of energy. For if a knight is constantly worried and afraid, he cannot have enough courage to defeat his enemy. Also without a â€Å"state of friendliness and calmness,† a knight is not being chivalrous if he does not have peace of mind and acts ungentlemanly – like.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Communication Skills :: Communication, Effective Communication

Communication can be defined as the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver in an understandable manner (Sanchez, N, 2009). An example of communication in healthcare is between clinical professionals and staff, patients and their relatives or carers, professionals doctors, occupational therapists, social workers, midwives, physiotherapists and administration staff (Darley, 2002). For their communication to be effective, each of them needs to put the responsibility for clear communication on himself (Healthcare Benchmarks & Quality Improvement 2009) which means that each of them should endeavour to send clear messages and to receive messages with as little distortion as possible (Mind Tools Ltd, 2009). The NHS believes that effective communication is essential for high quality service and care, and to avoid communication breakdown complaints and problems (Hamilton Mercer, 2009) such as ill informed patients, worried relatives and bad publicity Darley (2002). To avoid communication breakdown, the HPC requires radiographers to be able to use appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication and to use an appropriate interpreter if necessary when communicating with service users and others (Health Professions Council’s (HPC) Standards of Proficiency - Radiographers, 2008). Minardi and Riley (1997) state that it is very important to recognise the communication skills that may improve effectiveness. Verbal and non-verbal communication are the main forms of communication (Cant and Aroni, 2008). Verbal communication is subdivided into the vocal category which includes spoken language, and the non-vocal category which includes written communication and communication conveyed through sign language or Braille (Communication and Language). The HPC requires Radiographers to be able to communicate information, advice, instruction and professional opinion in English (HPC’s Standards of Proficiency - Radiographers, 2008) since it is the main language in the United Kingdom (Mandy Barrow, 2009). For example, when performing an examination, they need to give clear instructions by explaining what they are doing and why they are doing it (Bach and Grant, 2009). If the receiver does not understand English, a good interpreter is needed to avoid misunderstanding. The receiver may also not understand the examiner’s professional language and as Minardi and Riley (1997) point out, the professional should explain technical terms in order to be understood. Written communication is the ability to write effectively in a range of circumstances and for different audiences and purposes, in good English (The University of Sydney, 2009) using memorandums, reports, bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals, electronic mail (e-mail) letters, telegrams, faxes, contracts, advertisements, brochures or news releases (Reference for business, 2010).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why was there a successful revolution in February 1917 in Russia?

By 1917, Russia in a state where demonstrations were becoming more frequent each week. Many of these demonstrations happened in Petrograd over food shortages and oppositions grew against the Tsar as this happened. The number of demonstrators rose to nearly of quarter of a million. The Russian people were constantly being let down by the Tsar and the depression grew. The war caused most of these food shortages, as any available food would be taken to soldiers instead of the rest of the population. The strains from the war caused an impact on all societies. The peasants suffered most of the hardships of the war and so became much more radical and revolutionary groups began. Many of the concessions made by Tsar to the middle class societies were still controlled by the Tsar like the Dumas and so the growth political opposition grew. These are some of the cause of why the February revolution was a success. The Tsar was not a very good ruler of the country. He listened to others for advice and rarely made his own decisions. The personality of the tsar was clearly an aspect that contributed to the deterioration of the Russian government. He was often a charming person but very weak. Nicholas believed in the firm system of autocracy. Nicholas exercised his power through the army, the secret police and the Russian Orthodox Church. The tsarist regime was resist to change and the repression of the tsarist system like the Okhrana (secret police) caused many people to think about the system. The effects of the war generally the main reason why there was a revolution in 1917. When Russia first joined the war in 1914, there was patriotism and loyalty to the tsar and for the war. People wanted a short and victorious war but they were still behind in technology and agriculture for of at least 50 years. But when Russia had lost their first battle, the morale of the army and also the population of the country were low. The low morale continued as the war progressed. Russia was continuing to have high casualties and kept losing supplies and food and the fact that they had no good quality weapons meant that they were not going to be successful in the war. The war caused a shortage of food; this was because any food available would go straight to the soldiers. The war speeded up the process of change- people had soon had enough of the tsar and of what they thought was a pointless war. There was also an economic collapse, which affected all societies after Russia pulled out of the war. The landowners of large estates were hit by a collapse in the value of land. Many industrialists realised that when they failed to secure government orders for war goods, they found themselves disappearing of the markets and many small businesses found themselves bankrupt. The food shortage led the prices of meat and flour rising by 300 per cent. The war also caused wages to fall and so strikes and protests occurred. The growth of political opposition grew. Many groups got organised. The liberals, the social revolutionists, the socialists, Bolsheviks and Mensheviks all had a problem with the Tsar and its regime. The political opposition started happening from 1905. This was because of the 1905 revolt called ‘bloody Sunday'. In 1905 the Tsar's government had introduced new economic policies which were aimed at strengthening the regime. But these changes were still to create tension in the future as they were still confined by the autocracy system. Even though the tsar had given the Bourgeoisie a Duma it was still controlled by the Tsar so there was still resentment and also there was no change in the government, even when the Tsar left. There was too much weakness in the economic system and there were too many pressures of the social and economic change like the industry. Before the war, the common strikes were for overworking conditions. In February, on the 23rd, there was an emergence of a ‘focus' for political opposition. They all had a main focus, or goal. Here on the 23rd, Petrograd was at stand still. The attempts to stop the demonstrators were hinder by the police and army and so the Tsars traditional allies were breaking up even the middle class were against the Tsar. In a way, When the Tsar entered Russia into the war this would be the turning point for the 1917 revolution. This is because the war would cause food shortages and low morale of the army and the Russian people and this would just be the starting of Russia problems. It would also cause hyperinflation and the revolts. But there many other factors to be included like the repression of the tsarist government and the weakness in the economic system. It would seem like that further on Tsarism will not exist anymore in Russia. It could be said that the ultimate defeat of Tsarism was Tsarism. This was because the Tsar's system was too harsh and unfair to peasants.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Brave New World

, such as â€Å"God†, and spoke of ridiculous ideas like family and love. To John these things were normal; these ideas were what he was raised with. However, typical alphas didn’t understand emotions and were never related to one another. John was also clearly bothered by the society’s encouraged promiscuity. He was accustomed to love, feelings, and monotony within relationships. In John’s eyes, the actions of most alphas were gross and discourteous. How could an individual be intimate was so many others and not even care about having love or some kind of a connection with the other person? He chose not to participate in their sexual actions because he was so uncomfortable with them, and this made him even more of an outcast. John had learned about love from Shakespeare, and thus was interested in a truly romantic relationship. This, of course, could not be found in the Brave New World. Often John would become overwhelmed with everything, and so would want to be alone. To others in the Brave New World this was a strange desire; they couldn’t figure out why someone would choose to be alone. Regular alphas always wanted to... Free Essays on Brave New World Free Essays on Brave New World MacLeod1 Brave New World Literary Essay Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is a futuristic story of a dystopian society that has rid itself of instability through science and politics, as well as the sacrifice of certain cultural values. Although the concept of this new world seems ideal, the author portrays it cynically. His ideas of progress, science and politics are reflected negatively in the novel as their employment in the society cause the sacrifice of such themes as religion, history, and freedom. The forfeitures made for stability creates a fear in the reader of the methods used to dispose of them. The theme of progress is one fundamental basis of the new culture. The people of London now idolize the belief in Ford rather than a God. In this novel, Ford represents Henry Ford who is a symbol of technological advancement and industrialization. His ideas are reflected in the novel not only in the society’s mechanical modernization, such as the use of helicopters instead of cars, but also in its scientific revolution. The use of the assembly line is now used for the manufacturing of humans on a large scale. Each human is categorized into a specific class; from an Alpha being the highest caste and of the higher intelligence, to an Epsilon being the lowest caste and of lower intelligence. In doing this, they have engineered human beings, not only to fulfill the various positions needed to sustain a society, but also to enjoy the positions that need to be filled. Therefore, they have created people in the most efficient manner possible; ‘We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialized human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons, as future sewage workers or future†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He was going to say future World Controllers, MacLeod2 but correcting himself, said ‘future Directors of Hatcheries’ instead. (Huxley10). However... Free Essays on Brave New World In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, John the Savage, unlike other major characters, was not brought up in the â€Å"brave new world† of modern day London. Explain how his upbringing in what we see as a more traditional human society contributed to his actions and experiences throughout the novel. The character John, or the Savage, is one of the central figures on Aldous Huxley’s futuristic novel Brave New World. He is used primarily as a way of comparing the values of modern society – Huxley’s â€Å"brave new world† – with those of our society on the 20th and 21st centuries. Since he grew up on an â€Å"uncivilized† Savage reservation instead of in â€Å"civilized† contemporary society, he has no experience with the shallow happiness and expected promiscuity of this society’s citizens, of feelies or soma or alcohol-stunted Epsilons. These aspects of modern society seem sick and wrong to him, as the ancient customs and rituals of the Savages seem alien and insane to Bernard and Lenina. This difference in John’s upbringing allows him to view modern society with more knowledge and understanding than anyone raised in it is able; to them it seems like the only way of life imaginable. Their culture of false happiness a nd of stifling real emotions literally sickens him; for John, true happiness must be felt from the heart, and true love is far more meaningful than momentary lust. His upbringing has taught him that it is better to feel real pain than fake, shallow happiness, and that one must earn the right to live in this world. During his time in civilized England, John experiences the best aspects of upper class culture; he goes to the feelies, is entertained with many of Bernard and Lenina’s refined, important friends, rides in helicopters, and is treated as a person of great importance. However, these experiences don’t make him happy and only serve to deepen his sense of contempt for modern day society. He f... Free Essays on Brave New World Brave New World Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwells’s Nineteen Eighty-four are the most influential futuristic novels of the 20th century (Firchow 83). In Orwell’s story the state controls its citizens with fear and punishment. Winston Smith (protagonist of 1984) is forced to love Big Brother by the starving rats in room 101. In Aldous Huxley’s satire the World State’s motto is Community, Identity, and Stability. The novel begins in London in the year A.F. (After Ford) 632 and introduces a very stable society. This stability has been achieved by a controlled genetics program and by various psychological methods that we learn about through the course of the novel. Mr. Huxley called the psychological methods used in Brave New World mind-manipulation. through sleep teaching and infant conditioning the citizens of the World State are brainwashed into liking their unescapable social destiny (Huxley 11). Those few who do not fit into the comm unity of the brave new world are exiled to an island. In the novel Bernard is sent to Iceland; and Hemholtz Watson is shipped to the Falklands. In his forward to the 1946 edition of Brave New World, Mr. Huxley wrote that he expects large government projects in the future that seek to â€Å"make people love their servitude† (xix). This love of servitude is the stability of Brave New World. People are happy and ask no questions. They do their job (that they were created to do), have sex, take drugs, and happily accept death when they are sixty years old. In Brave New World Mustapha Mond, the World Controller, tells John the Savage: â€Å"The people are well off; they’re safe; they’re blissfully ignorant of passion and old age; they’re plagued with no mothers or fathers; they’ve got no wives, or children, or lovers to feel strongly about; they’re so conditioned that they practically can’t help behaving as they ought to behave† (Huxley 169). Harold Bloom ... Free Essays on Brave New World What Makes John Different? Within every society there exist individuals who, for whatever reason, just don’t fit in. The individual may or may not look unusual, but inside they definitely feel out of place. In Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, John â€Å"the savage† was one of those unique individuals. John wasn’t able to control the influences which made him atypical, but regardless, he was forced to live in societies which refused to accept him. It was extremely difficult for John to live in the Brave New World because he was so different from the generic alphas which surrounded him. From the beginning it was obvious that John was unlike the others. Instead of the usual color-coded clothing, John wore the sparse clothing of the native culture in which he was raised. He also used many foreign words, such as â€Å"God†, and spoke of ridiculous ideas like family and love. To John these things were normal; these ideas were what he was raised with. However, typical alphas didn’t understand emotions and were never related to one another. John was also clearly bothered by the society’s encouraged promiscuity. He was accustomed to love, feelings, and monotony within relationships. In John’s eyes, the actions of most alphas were gross and discourteous. How could an individual be intimate was so many others and not even care about having love or some kind of a connection with the other person? He chose not to participate in their sexual actions because he was so uncomfortable with them, and this made him even more of an outcast. John had learned about love from Shakespeare, and thus was interested in a truly romantic relationship. This, of course, could not be found in the Brave New World. Often John would become overwhelmed with everything, and so would want to be alone. To others in the Brave New World this was a strange desire; they couldn’t figure out why someone would choose to be alone. Regular alphas always wanted to... Free Essays on Brave New World Brave By: James E-mail: kwjefjff! Cloning in Brave New World by Christopher M. Earhart It has been said that Muhammad is the "Seal of the Prophets," meaning that he was the last. However, our world has recently been graced by another prophet in Aldous Huxley. Huxley's prophetic vision is unmistakable in his science-fiction novel, Brave New World, in which he delivers a valuable message: control advancements in technology before they control us. Huxley supports this message with a strong example of a society that is so overrun by technology that the human race has lost their individuality, freedom, and ultimately their identity as human beings. In this "Brave New World," artificially-born humans are genetically engineered, divided into castes, molded into machines through hypnopaedia, and controlled by the drug Soma. The new world appears to be a perfect utopia on the surfacethere is no disease, no warfare, and no sadness. However, the humans have sacrificed thought, feelings, free will, and everything which makes one human to achieve this state. Through Brave New World, Huxley teaches us that these sacrifices are far too great and will eventually occur if humans continue to misuse technology in the future. Huxley's warning in Brave New World carries so much weight because of the truthful predictions he includes in the novel. Despite being written in 1932, Huxley predicts genetic engineering, test-tube babies, cloning, a loss of meaning in sexual relationships, and drug abuse. All of these predictions were far beyond his time, and all have either come true or are on the brink of occurrence. The most significant of these is his presentiment that production, not childbirth, will be the process in which humans are brought into this world. Just as Huxley predicted, scientists can now produce humans outside of the womb, and soon the cloning of human beings will be feasible. The concept of producing humans without parents is ... Free Essays on Brave New World Brave New World: Cloning In the novel Brave New World, there is no such thing as women being pregnant because the ovaries are surgically removed. In fact there is no such thing as parents. There is a factory that produces human beings and conditions them for their predestined roles in the World State. Today, succeeding in the creation of the first cloned embryo is abruptly criticized. Scientists in Massachusetts have succeeded in cloning for only a few hours cloned human embryos of four to six cells. The Catholic Church is against cloning and test tube fertilization (like in Brave New World). The Catholic Church also says that life begins at the time of the fertilization of an egg not at birth. Some think that the cloning of human beings will contaminate and dishonor the future of humankind. When a person is cloned it is most likely because you want someone that is exactly like someone else. That someone else is probably some that loves their surroundings and loves being the person they are. In Brave New World cloning is a normal thing and goes on everyday, however in the present time cloning is not as advanced as it is in the book. In the novel, Brave New World, there is a factory that creates human beings in specially designed bottles. The fetus undergoes the Bokanovsky Process so that the egg can divide and form up to ninety-six identical embryos. Each embryo will then develop and those ninety-six embryos will become ninety-six identical human beings. In other words, they will become clones of each other. Another example of cloning is that hundreds of people can be produced from the ova and sperm of the same man and women within two years. In Brave New World the people are conditioned genetically, physically, and psychologically to love and fully accept their necessity in life. The production of humans is to maximize efficiency and profit. In order to follow the rule of supply and demand they make as many... Free Essays on Brave New World Independent Study Project George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World are two novels that portray totalitarianism. Hitler used this kind of power to rule Germany during the 1930’s and 1940’s. Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four are very similar to the totalitarianism used during this regime. Government control is an important topic because if society doesn’t change its ways, we risk becoming a fascist state. The authors of these novels are trying to portray to their readers warning signals of the potential dangers of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism, is a centralized dictatorial form of government requiring complete subservience to the state, a person advocating such a system. In Nineteen Eighty-Four, Big Brother was the " Friend of the People" , the Inner Party Leader. His face was projected all day long through numerous forms of media."On each landing opposite the lift shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall." His slogan "Big Brother is Watching You" was posted everywhere. The citizens of Oceania were not allowed to think, if they did so it was called Double Think. Double Think was the result of a totalitarian government forcing your brain to be orthodox and loyal in spite of anything. This method was enforced by the Party to ensure that no citizens of Oceania questioned the changes in policy. Oceania was a state in constant war differentiating from Huxley’s world that was always at peace. War seemed like a good idea for Big Brother; this way people would think that there was no better place for them and wouldn’t expect better living conditions, better food and less control by the government. The slogan "War is Peace" was displayed everywhere. People were so exposed to it that they saw nothing wrong with the meaning of the slogan. Again in a totalitarian state there is no freedom of thought or expression. " The Thought Police would get him just t... Free Essays on Brave New World On the road to Perfection The way in which Aldous Huxley presents his Utopia deals with the control of a society by means of stability. A Utopia in which can only be fathomable in a world made up from Huxleys mind and never reality. The use of technology in Brave New World and the way in which everyone is psychologically conditioned seems like a unrealistic dystopia. Huxley states that â€Å"the standardization of the human product has been pushed to fantastic, thoug not perhaps impossible extremes.†(foreward) The impossible extremes imply that utopia cannot be discounted as a possibility for the future. Therefore was Huxley using his sardonic world as a mockery of ours, or was the satire just a distraction to his prophetic message for the future? The Religion which is used in the Brave new world is one that is based with Techonology. It is derived from the Ford motor company which put out the first working automobile. Technology seems to have taken the place of two most important governmental ideologies during the cold war which were communism and capitalism. The Utopia of Huxleys seems to include both of them with technology. We are in a post cold war world which has seen the emergence of capitalism and fault of communism. What drove the two to super powers was based all on technology. It was not the people who chose to live in these world but those who ruled to use the ideology in order to control the masses. The use of Technology or Atomic and nuclear power almost drove Page 2 these two into war and total world anniahlation. Even though one of the main theme are satire, it is still important to understand that Huxley could be using humor to revolt against the current system in which he was living in. Many revolutionaries acts were done out of comedy and satire in order to not be suspected so easily by those in power. It is important to understand the fundamentals of communism and capitalism because both were emer... Free Essays on Brave New World A global nine years war has taken place. This war was so brutal and tiresome, that the people opted to control the world's actions through a means of science. "People were ready to have even their appetites controlled then. Anything for a quiet life" Brave New World takes place in 632 A.F., numerous years after civilization started to be controlled. Civilization is controlled though conditioning and hatchery. Everyone is brought into civilization though a test tube, "the operation undergone voluntarily for the good of society." The D.H.C. (the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning) decides which of the five castes in society the test tube babies will belong to. At a young age, the babies are conditioned to think and act certain ways depending on which caste they will belong to through a means of environmental exposure as babies, hypnopaedia, and other methods. In order to keep the civilization from engaging in future wars, society must be happy. Ridding of religion and morals, and allowing sex and drugs without remorse makes this happiness... "God isn't compatible with machinery and scientific medicine, and universal happiness." The beginning chapters describe this brave new world as the D.H.C. gives a group of children a tour of the facility. The reader meets Lenina Crowne who had been dating Henry Foster for some time, and starts dating Bernard Marx to prove she is not engaging in courtship, which is unheard of in the civilization. Bernard and Lenina go on a vacation to the New Mexico reservations, and meet Linda and her son John. Bernard discovers that Linda was impregnated by the D.H.C., and thus John is his son. Bernard and Lenina bring John and Linda back to civilization with them for research purposes. Bernard learns that the D.H.C. is about to exile him for his 'uncivilized' behavior when he and Lenina return to civilization. "..He (Bernard) has proved himself an enemy of society, a subverter, ... of all order and ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Personal preferences Essays

Personal preferences Essays Personal preferences Paper Personal preferences Paper Be considered as an individual, to be listened to and have their wishes and feelings taken into account when decisions are made concerning their welfare A child care and education worker should focus on an individual childs personality as a relationship is built up, not ethnicity, religion or background. They should also promote a broad range of cultures, religions and beliefs by valuing and exploring differences with children in their care. Childrens sense of belonging to their culture is very important part of their lives and needs to be acknowledged and valued. Any personal preferences and prejudices must be put aside; all children should be treated with respect and dignity irrespective of their ethnic origin, religion or socio-economic group. Bruce and Meggitt (2002) Children pick up attitudes and morals from watching others and view the C. C. E. W. as a role model. A good C. C. E. W. would consider the cultural differences and practices before jumping to conclusions about a situation (e. g. beat in British terms would mean forceful hitting, but in Caribbean it means smack). Also, the role of the C. C. E. W. would be very important in dealing with any negative incidents promptly. Actions and words mentioned by the adults around the children could have lasting effects on the development of self-esteem, which shows that, Early Years Practitioners have a strong role in promoting equal opportunities within their settings they need to make sure every child feels valued and also that children learn to value and respect others Tassoni (2002) A child care and education student should be a good role model for children to see. Personal beliefs, attitudes and prejudices should not discriminate against children or families. All skin colours should be portrayed in a positive way. The student should offer to expand childrens learning opportunities through knowledge and understanding of the world, food, music, language etc. Questions regarding suitability of activities for all children should be asked before carrying them out, encouraging cooperation and pleasantness through interactions with children. The student should look out for ways to value all children, trying not favour one child over another, promoting positive self images in children from all family backgrounds and encourage caring attitudes. Questions from children regarding race, culture or religion should be answered honestly using appropriate language. A culture, religion, language or lifestyle should not be promoted as superior to another; however a childs first language should be respected.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pronouncing Words That End in -lm

Pronouncing Words That End in -lm Pronouncing Words That End in -lm Pronouncing Words That End in -lm By Maeve Maddox Not many one-syllable English words end in the letters -lm. Sometimes the l in them is pronounced; sometimes it isnt. Heres a list of the most common -lm words, together with the pronunciation in the phonetic notation given at Many Americans pronounce all of these words with an l. alms [mz] balm [bm] calm [km] elm [Ä•lm] embalm[Ä•m-bm] film [fÄ ­lm] helm [hÄ•lm] palm [pm] psalm [sm] qualm [kwm] realm [rÄ•lm] whelm [hwÄ•lm] These pronunciations all agree with those given in the OED. Additionally, the OED acknowledges U.S. pronunciations with the sound of l for palm, psalm, and qualm. Merriam-Webster uses the symbol ] to indicate a sound that facilitates the placement of variant pronunciation. For example, ï ¿ ¼]mz. This symbol, which seems to indicate an almost l, is used for the first pronunciation given for alms, balm, calm, embalm, palm, psalm, and qualm. The pronunciation with a full l sound is given as an alternate: also ]lm. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Bare or Bear With Me?How Long Should a Paragraph Be?When to use "an"

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Real Income convergence Across states Assignment

Real Income convergence Across states - Assignment Example Real Income convergence Across states The countries or states with poor economies experience increased levels on returns as compared to the rich economy states, a fact attributable to the diminishing returns to capital. Analyzing the neoclassical model on an international platform, it becomes noticeable that the effect of convergence is strengthened by both technological and capital outflow from rich economies to poor and, outflow of labor to rich economies from the poor ones. In ascertain whether real personal disposable incomes were converging to a certain constant value, we formulated our null hypothesis such that: Ho: there is income convergence across states (unit root exists for income series) H1: There is no income convergence across states (no unit root for income series and thus it`s stationary) Previous empirical analysis focused on the increase of per capita income and the production level of the U.S. states (Shekhar, 115). Extensive studies have been undertaken on the analysis of the data regarding the personal income from the 1840s and on the cumulative produce of the state dating back from 1963. For analyzing purposes on what determines the growth of the states’ economy, the familiarity with the U.S. states acts as representation of resources that are not properly utilized: basically, there exists information on the 48 states for a period of more than a century.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tablets industry analysis research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Tablets industry analysis research - Essay Example The globally competitive nature of the modern business environment makes it very relevant for companies to put in a lot of efforts into their marketing. This is because through marketing, they are presented with opportunities that make it possible for them to identify the right people within the competitive market who can be strategically presented with what the company has (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Marketing also sets the pace for companies to develop the best forms of strategic options that help in making them competitive as against their core competitors with whom they are in the same market with (Adcock, Halborg and Ross, 2001). With this said, it will be appreciated that marketing is a very broad and relatively generalized concept for any company. It is for this reason that aspects of marketing must be clearly defined in order to make the most of the concept. In this paper, two very important areas of marketing are focused and these are market analysis and industry analysis. Ma rket and industry analysis can be said to be part of the overall research and development (R&D) component of marketing where companies get to study and understand their market and the industry within which they operate in a better way through critical evaluation of market and industry variables (Kotler and Keller, 2009). In this paper, some of the areas that are given include product category, market segmentation, competitors, and product positioning.

Marketing Research for Mc Donalds Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Research for Mc Donalds - Case Study Example Donald's provides fast food and has established and maintained its position as a market leader in the food retail business for over a century. Fast food is typically similar in behavior to fast moving consumer products. It is due to this, that Mc. Donald's needs to advertise all the time to generate a top-of the mind recall and to remind people what the brand stands for. The success of Fast food retail business is dependent on the ability of all marketing campaigns to instill a craving for their product offering. History of Business Theme: The business theme of Mc Donald's has evolved with time. However, even though their positioning statement has been varying and has been different for different campaigns, the key elements i.e. "warmth","Everyday slice of life" and "the Mc Donald's Experience", have been retained. This consistency in the theme and campaign has helped in building a clear image of Mc Donald's in the mind of customers. Their positioning statements in the past decades have been as follows: Even though a campaign is usually aimed at the walk in customers and the bottom line is always a boost in sales. However, all the affiliated stakeholders including the employees, suppliers, business partners and stakeholders feel the spillover effects of any advertising. Customers; the customers would always want to purchase food that is convenient and hygienic. However, in the past few years, hygiene consciousness and heath consciousness has increased. Mc Donald's may ace at hygiene maintenance but in the "Health" segment it has to battle the negative image of fast food industry on the whole. The fast food industry carries a universal image that it is fattening food and is thus unhealthy. Suppliers: The suppliers need to know that the vendor management is efficient and fair. The suppliers also benefit from the positive image of Mc Donald's as it adds to their own portfolio of high profile clients that they serve. This helps in building up clientele

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thematic Analysis- The scarlet letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thematic Analysis- The scarlet letter - Essay Example The Scarlet Letter uses the difficult journey of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale to shed light upon the human condition and how human life is characterized by sin and suffering. An important characteristic of a human being is that he is not perfect and that from time to time he has a temptation to drift from the right path and turn towards committing a sin. This characteristic is depicted in the story by Hawthorne by the sin that Hester commits by sleeping with another man despite of being married. Hester becomes pregnant and she is questioned several times regarding the name of her lover but she does not reveal his identity. This feature of human condition (that is sin) is further strengthened in the story when it is revealed that the man who was also involved in this act of adultery with Hester was Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister of the Church. This revelation supports the belief that a human being can never be perfect no matter what position he holds in the society and that ev ery being can be sinful owing to the temptations of human nature. Nathaniel Hawthorne explains the nature of evil and good in the story. Hester and Dimmesdale are the two people who commit the sin but they display their goodness by repenting for their sins. Hester is punished in public for her act but she faces her difficulties with grace and does not run away. She rather becomes stronger and dignified in her period of punishment and this earns respect from the people owing to this. On the other hand, Dimmesdale faces his suffering alone and he pierces the scarlet A on his chest. He is not as strong as Hester to reveal his sin in public but he suffers deep down and falls ill. He finally reveals his act in public and dies. Their characters display the good side of human nature as they repent for their sinful act. Dimmesdale is a religious man who understands that their illegal unity by running away would yield them nothing in this world and the world hereafter. He explains this by sa ying, â€Å"I fear! I fear! It may be, that, when we forgot our God,--when we violated our reverence each for the other's soul,--it was vain to hope that we could meet hereafter, in an everlasting and pure reunion.† These lines are a display of his regret for his sin. The evil side of human nature is seen in the character of Roger Chillingworth. He is Hester’s husband who deserted her years back and left her alone and he returns at the time when she is being punished for her act of adultery. Chillingworth may be considered responsible for the position that Hester is placed in because it is probably her loneliness that drove her towards her act of sin. Despite of the sin being committed by her, she comes out of it gracefully. But Chillingworth works towards seeking revenge. The evilness of Chillingworth is explained by Dimmesdale when he says, â€Å"That old man's revenge has been blacker than my sin. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart† . Chillingworth is an evil man who does not let Hester live in peace and spies on Dimmesdale as well and is ready to go to any depths for the attainment of his revenge. The Scarlet Letter is a perfect story written by Hawthorne which provides a depiction of the human nature. It throws light upon the aspects of sin, evil and goodness. A human being cannot be perfect and sinful acts are a part of the existence of human life. Hester accepts her sin and

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example strive to achieve within the workplace from a customer service perspective, as well as approaching the problem solving (and conflict handling) with customers on a creative basis when dealing with potentially "damaging" situations with respect to the image of the company. The basis of approaching situations on a more proactive and suitable problem approaches to these situations leads me to believe that I have a higher internal locus of control, based upon the fact of such proactive approach within the organizational setting, as well as my personal belief in handling events, and thereby my own development within the direction I wish it to move in or progress. Ones personal development and skills can never really be viewed as perfect and the ongoing commitment to personal, and professional, growth development allows for one to make the necessary efforts and initiatives within this process. Although at times the achievement drive requires attention, due to negative influences within both personal and professional capacities, the main hindrance here is often the influence of personal factors that spill over into the workplace, which is seen as perhaps one of the main areas of focus required for improvement. My current employer does not really encourage the talent aspect within employees, however more so on a management level, whereby authority is granted to management to make specific business and customer service related decisions within the normal course of a working day. This allows for management to make suitable decisions, as well as the related autonomy that accompanies this authority within their capacity as a manager, the organization furthermore encourages this decision-making process with adequate recognition in the case of correct and suitable decisions, however within the case of a decision that they do not agree with the company is very accommodating and encouraging in terms of developing the necessary skills to make the right decisions in line with the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Thematic Analysis- The scarlet letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thematic Analysis- The scarlet letter - Essay Example The Scarlet Letter uses the difficult journey of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale to shed light upon the human condition and how human life is characterized by sin and suffering. An important characteristic of a human being is that he is not perfect and that from time to time he has a temptation to drift from the right path and turn towards committing a sin. This characteristic is depicted in the story by Hawthorne by the sin that Hester commits by sleeping with another man despite of being married. Hester becomes pregnant and she is questioned several times regarding the name of her lover but she does not reveal his identity. This feature of human condition (that is sin) is further strengthened in the story when it is revealed that the man who was also involved in this act of adultery with Hester was Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister of the Church. This revelation supports the belief that a human being can never be perfect no matter what position he holds in the society and that ev ery being can be sinful owing to the temptations of human nature. Nathaniel Hawthorne explains the nature of evil and good in the story. Hester and Dimmesdale are the two people who commit the sin but they display their goodness by repenting for their sins. Hester is punished in public for her act but she faces her difficulties with grace and does not run away. She rather becomes stronger and dignified in her period of punishment and this earns respect from the people owing to this. On the other hand, Dimmesdale faces his suffering alone and he pierces the scarlet A on his chest. He is not as strong as Hester to reveal his sin in public but he suffers deep down and falls ill. He finally reveals his act in public and dies. Their characters display the good side of human nature as they repent for their sinful act. Dimmesdale is a religious man who understands that their illegal unity by running away would yield them nothing in this world and the world hereafter. He explains this by sa ying, â€Å"I fear! I fear! It may be, that, when we forgot our God,--when we violated our reverence each for the other's soul,--it was vain to hope that we could meet hereafter, in an everlasting and pure reunion.† These lines are a display of his regret for his sin. The evil side of human nature is seen in the character of Roger Chillingworth. He is Hester’s husband who deserted her years back and left her alone and he returns at the time when she is being punished for her act of adultery. Chillingworth may be considered responsible for the position that Hester is placed in because it is probably her loneliness that drove her towards her act of sin. Despite of the sin being committed by her, she comes out of it gracefully. But Chillingworth works towards seeking revenge. The evilness of Chillingworth is explained by Dimmesdale when he says, â€Å"That old man's revenge has been blacker than my sin. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart† . Chillingworth is an evil man who does not let Hester live in peace and spies on Dimmesdale as well and is ready to go to any depths for the attainment of his revenge. The Scarlet Letter is a perfect story written by Hawthorne which provides a depiction of the human nature. It throws light upon the aspects of sin, evil and goodness. A human being cannot be perfect and sinful acts are a part of the existence of human life. Hester accepts her sin and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Airport Planning and Expansion Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Airport Planning and Expansion - Case Study Example In this study, I intend to focus the analysis on the overall facility by reviewing the constraints within which the airport works and at the end offer recommendations on a probable development scheme so as to augment on the capacity in reference to flight and travellers accommodation. The Changi Airport found in Singapore has grown to rise to be a major aviation hub in Asian region. Its importance is particularly crucial to the southeast part of Asia. Occupying change, the airport rests on a thirteen square kilometres land, and about 17 kilometres to the north-east of the commercial hub. This is a military and public airport that is owned by the government of Singapore. The Changi Airport opened in 1981 is at an elevation of 22ft or 7meters above sea level and serves the Singapore Government and is run by the Changi Airport Group. It is considered as a landmark achievement for the country of Singapore. The company has won a plethora of awards totalling to about 280 in a span of 20 years, that is from 1987- 2007, for providing excellent service that is considered as a benchmark in the Aviation industry. The year 2007 alone saw the company earn 19 awards in the best airport category. The airport has made measures to address the age issue by offering periodic physical upgrades to the already in place terminals, building fresh facilities and taking actions towards the development of high level customer services. The Changi Airport is base to the Singapore Airlines, Tiger Airways, Valuair, Jett8 Airlines Cargo, Singapore Airlines Cargo, Jetstar Asia Airways, and SilkAir, and the main stopping point for Qantas which uses it as the main stop point en route kangaroo - a route that connects Australia and

Demon and Fact Faustus Essay Example for Free

Demon and Fact Faustus Essay Mephistopheles varies greatly in his attitude towards Faustus, sometimes seemingly offering support and guidance while others acting in a dismissive, even disdainful manner. Throughout, Faustus is manipulated into fulfilling Mephistopheles own goals, yet the bewitching fiend succeeds in giving him the belief that he wants to do these things himself whether or not he is being guided, albeit rather forcefully, there. Nonetheless it remains to be seen if this is a reflection of the deceitfulness from the devils servant or rather the weakness and arrogance shown by Faustus. Faustus appears vulnerable and naà ¯ve upon conjuring for the first time, pathetic fallacy adding to the sombre mood, as gloomy shadow(s) overcast the scene, obscuring what is about to happen, leaving the audience in the dark and instilling a sense of terror. Therefore when Mephistopheles appears as a devil it is presumably through fear that Faustus describes him as too ugly such is the heightened sense of tension and feeling of the sublime he experiences. As opposed to reacting to Faustus needs Mephistopheles immediately gains control and begins surreptitiously asserting his dominance over him, taking advantage of the fact Faustus is clearly out of his depth, and resorting to imperatives, commanding Mephistopheles to speak! hinting that desperation is starting to creep in. Throughout the play it appears as though Mephistopheles is praying on Faustus weaknesses, identifying his aspiring pride as a pressure point and luring him towards the idea of becoming the sole king of all the earth. Once overcome with the thought of being a great emperor Faustus is obviously convinced that selling his soul is the best option he has and appears to disregard any rational logic, allowing Mephistopheles to sit back only issuing short replies like I will in return to the overly ambitious notions filling Faustus egotistical head. Faustus lack of control is only furthered when his own appetite gets the better of him leading to Mephistopheles threatening to go back to hell forcing Faustus to implore with him not to leave furthermore signalling his reliance on him to actually carry out all his frivolous desires. The compromise of being offered greater things proves too much for Faustus as  passion overcomes reason, which Mephistopheles is keen to distance them from, crea ting stark opposition and providing further evidence that he is willing to manipulate Faustus through his vulnerabilities, regardless of what emotions this will invoke in the mere mortal himself. In addition to promise bringing whirlwinds, tempests, thunder and lightning under the control of Faustus, Mephistopheles also immediately senses whenever there is slight doubt in his subject, quickly bombarding him with fantasises to delight his mind and turn his attention away from any concept of repentance. This eagerness to persistently tempt Faustus towards hell every time he wavers slightly suggests a driven character, supported through his own claims that he would do anything to obtain his soul no matter the cost, showcasing a lack of care or sympathy towards the difficult situation Faustus finds himself in. This only serves to further the level of deception and pretence when Mephistopheles calls on Faustus to stab thine arm courageously resorting to flattery to get his own way, knowing that Faustus ego will easily succumb to being complimented and raised above others. However in direct contrast, Mephistopheles shows hes not afraid to resort to intimidation, reporting hell hath no limits such is the reach of the devil, one should know not to cross him as under the heavens the lines blur and the liminal becomes ever more apparent, this bold claim undoubtedly a shocking one in front of a contemporary audience wherein religion was distinct in its boundaries hell and heaven two entirely different entities. After a relatively straight forward process of persuasion Mephistopheles gains Faustus soul, leading to an apparent change in attitude from Mephistopheles more bold in his tactics he openly denies Faustus his wishes, instead questioning his stupidity and chastising him by warning him to talk not of a wife but rather concentrate on aspects of life he himself deems relevant. Faustus pitiful cry at the end of scene 5 suggests that already he realises the drastic mistake hes made and that thou art deceived! by the dishonest Mephistopheles, leaving the audience to feel slight sadness for the misplaced trust he possessed. Nevertheless while this seems tragic one cannot avoid the suggestion that Faustus was only guided down a path he  desired all along and that he convinces himself to be resolute and show willing to commit the most heinous of crimes such as offer luke-warm blood of new-born babies an awful taboo that highlights just how far he will go in order to quench his thirst for power and fame. In turn, this advocates Mephistopheles as more of a bystander than initially thought and while he is unequivocally determined in gaining more souls to enlarge his kingdom, he remains open about this throughout, instead of being sly and secretive. Therefore it can be considered that Faustus is in no position to call Mephistopheles a bewitching fiend such are the failings of his own character. He is the one who condemns himself through his over ambition at becoming a conjuror laureate and arrogance in believing that he has tamed Mephistopheles and made him obedient. Whereas Mephistopheles only points him in the right direction and technically always remains under his command, bringing him a hot whore for a wife, while unsatisfactory is still fulfilling the parameters of Faustus self-indulgent wish. Despite this obedience towards his supposed master, Mephistopheles can definitely be considered a bewitching fiend due to his ability to lure Faustus into making the decisions that Mephistopheles himself wanted and the drive he holds in forcing the deal through to the end. Furthermore his lack of concern towards his own conjuror is revealing, joking tut I warrant thee in reaction to Faustus recognition he has done wrong, displaying both a lack of remorse and also a smugness that he has succeeded in accomplishing Lucifers plan.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gender Bias in Nursing

Gender Bias in Nursing Gender Female Bias Gender bias is common in nursing. It is my own experience of facing gender bias in my own institution. When I was working as an Instructor in my institution, there was opportunity to for me to get promotion but was denied and it was given to a female colleague. As I was working there for last three years with an out standing performance for all those years in my opinion and that of many others, it was my right to promoted to that post. But the head of my institute had promoted a female who had less experience and lower level of performance although she had same qualification. I was in shock and she did not give me any reason for that. As cited in Rasch, Sherrod, Sherrod (2006)â€Å" the barriers confronted by men in nursing school are pervasive, consistent and have changed surprising little during the past few decades† ( pp 47). My view point is that, gender bias is occurring in nursing education as well as nursing practice. Gender bias in nursing is common in Pakistan. There are no male on higher position in nursing in Pakistan. There are few institutions in Pakistan you can find male but they are not in high position in nursing. Different literatures have shown that men experiences gender bias in nursing education and services, as according to BBC news only 10% of male are in nursing. It means that it is difficult for male who wants to do nursing. Nursing all over the world has always been female dominated profession. As cited in Rasch (2005) â€Å"a number of gender barriers for men in the nursing education process, mainly due to feminization of this process and the profession† (pp47). It should be acknowledged those females are in great numbers then male in nursing. But it does not mean that male should be suppressed in nursing and their rights should be violated. Moreover, another cause of gender bias is of social isolation and male are not acknowledged a vital part of nursing. This is supported by Rasch (2005) â€Å"no history of men in nursing was presented in texts or the classroom and textbooks and faculty referred to the nurse as â€Å"she rather than she/he† (pp-28). In history of nursing you will not find any history of male nurses who worked for nursing profession. These books always discuss about role of women in nursing and their work. Even other health care members are worried about their presence in nursing. When male joins nursing, they are facing problems like adjusting in a female dominated profession. They are worried as to whether they will be accepted in nursing and by other health care members. The doctors are also having problem with them and they feel that, female nurses should take care of their patients. Because they are afraid of being challenged and they will show resistance at any mistake done by them. According to Morgan, McMillian, Ament (2006) â€Å"the experience of male nurse as minority group seems to be that of encountering a lack of social approval, acceptance and adequate role models beginning in nursing school. Perceptions of threats to sexuality, role strain, social isolation and different performance expectations reported by male nursing students indicate that little has changed within nursing profession† (pp101).Male nurses are facing different problem in both government and private settings among which are, disrespect of male nurses and discrimination therefore, given less or denied opportunities for growth and development in the profession. Here in Pakistan in some provinces male nurses are not hired and administrations give preferences to female nurses. As all the major posts are held by the male doctors in hospitals and they don’t want any male nurse s. Even female nurses are not accepting and recognizing the role of male in nursing. They show disrespect to them and not consider them as nurses. There are many stereotypes regarding male in nursing like they are not caring and so they cannot give care to the patients. Different studies have shown that even female nurses are not accepting male into nursing. These problems are within nursing especially where female nurses in leadership positions tries to frustrate male nurses. As many male nurses have got more knowledge and having good communication skills. One might say that female nurse leaders feels threatened by presence of highly qualified male nurses in their institutions, as a result thus not accepting them readily. There is also reluctance in males who wants to join nursing as career. The social construction of nursing as female profession also inhibits males from entering to nursing profession. The male population in nursing is very low and they give preferences to other profession in medical field and nursing is their lost choice to do it. This affects nursing workforce at the hospitals and national levels, as many male nurses seek opportunities outside Pakistan. They go outside country because they earn more and they are respected outside. They get different opportunities they can achieve higher position in nursing. There are evidences that nursing shortages in this country have occurred throughout the professions history. It is not only Pakistan shortage of nurses occurs throughout worldwide. As result of these males is leaving nursing very quickly. According to study done in USAâ€Å"Recent graduates of the nations nursing schools are leaving the profession more quickly than their predecessors, with male nurses bolting at almost twice the rate of their female counterparts, according to a new study. About 7.5 percent of new male nurses left the profession within four years of graduating from nursing school, compared to 4.1 percent of new female nurses, (University of Pennsylvania researcher, 2002) reported. This is alarming sign for nursing profession as already there is nurses’ shortage in world. So it has further increase the shortage of nurses. On the other hand, lack of role modeling for male in nursing contributes to low numbers of males in nursing. As there are fewer male nurses in nursing profession and that the reason they are changing their profession after some time. Because they see no professional growth for their and lack of opportunities. They are different literatures shows that male are more resigning from the profession than women. Another study by Wynaden, Champan, Inoue (2006) â€Å"men are four times more likely than women to resign from nursing profession† (pp566). Males are not satisfied from their job and they are leaving the jobs. There are few hospitals in which you can see diversity of both genders in nursing. The behaviors and attitudes of male nurses in nursing have produced a bad image of male nurses. There are numbers of males who joins nursing only to get degree and go outside the country. They are interested in patient care and image of nursing. Even others male who are doing nursing, they want to change their profession after finishing the nursing course. Some male have got fake degrees of nursing to go to any foreign countries for job. They are destroying the image of Pakistan as they are doing the wrong practices. There are many incidents that occurred in last few years in U.K by male nurses as result the government of U.K has banned nurses of Pakistan to do job U.K. This is having bad consequences as there are many nurses who want to do further studies and work in U.K. But now they can, due to few members who have destroyed the image of nursing, hence causing others to suffer. So male nurses are also responsible and due to their behavior they are not accepted in nursing. Furthermore, it has been noted that male nurses have a tendencies of preferring teaching and administrative jobs only. This might be the reason why they change jobs after a short while in nursing. Kurt Lewin theorized a three-stage model of change that has come to be known as the unfreezing-change-refreeze model. There are three steps involved in this model. As cited in Heidenthal (2003) â€Å"unfreezing means, moving to new level and the current or old way of doing is thawed† (pp329). We need to create awareness regarding gender biasness and how it is affecting the nursing profession. We will remove negatives thinking about perceptions of males in nursing. It will difficult to change the behavior of people regarding male nurses. We need to motivate the nursing leaders to bring the solutions to this problem and its recognition. The second stage of change model is process of changing behavior. As cited in Heidenthal (2003) â€Å"in the next step intervention or change is introduced and explained. The benefits and disadvantages are discussed, and the move to a new level is implemented† (pp329). When need do implementation of strategies in this stage. When to need peruse people to support these changes. As it will be difficult because no role models are available for them. We will identify gap between this stage and the change we want to do it. The third stage is making changes permanent. We will need sustain with this change as cited in Heidenthal (2003 â€Å"refreezing means that the new way of doing is incorporated into the routines or habits of the affected people† (pp329). It will difficulty sustains this change of gender bias in nursing but reinforcement will be required to change these attitudes. There are few steps could be done to solve gender bias in nursing. The hospitals needs to make sure that group diversity should be present in hospitals. Male and female nurses should be given equal chances of recruiting. Male should be respected and their role should be considered as vital. Government needs to make sure about recruiting of male in different government hospital. More opportunities should be given to them for their growth and development. To ensure the delivery of quality patient care hospitals needs to include recruitments of men into nursing. Identify individual learning styles and needs during performance appraisals for both men and women. Provide educational programs that increase cultural sensitivity, decreasing stereotypes. (Rasch, Sherrod, Sherrod 2005). Male nurses should change their attitude which can change the perception of male in nursing. Awareness regarding nursing need to be done in school and colleges. Few male nurses who are sincere with their profession should be made role model to other male nurses. Male needs to be sensitized and ask them about their expectations. After graduation clinical practice should be given importance’s and necessary for the fresh graduates. References B, Sherrod, D, Sherrod, R, Rasch. (2005).Men at Work. Nursing management. 36(10). 46-51. J, Mcmillian, S, A, Morgan, P, Ament. (2006). Acceptance of male registered nurses by female registered nurses. Journal of advance nursing. Blackwell. 1(38), 100-105. M, I, Mnurs, R, Chapman, D, Wynaden. (2006). Male nurses experiences of providing intimate care of women clients. Journal of advance nursing. 5 (55), pp 559-567. Philadelphia. (2002). Is There a Male Nurse in the House? Men Quitting Nursing at Nearly Twice the Rate of Women. Retrieved, March 26, 2008 from http: mht. P, K, Heidenthal. (2003). Nursing Leadership Management. Change the conflict resolutions. (pp 329-332). Thomson delimar Learning.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Social Organization and Adaptation in Alpine Environments Essay

Social Organization and Adaptation in Alpine Environments Adaptive Strategies in Alpine Environments: Beyond Ecological Particularism, is an article that evaluates the similarities and differences of two alpine environments. The author’s main point of the article is to identify the consistencies of social organization and adaptation throughout communities existing in high altitudes. The mountain chains used to investigate these regularities were the Swiss Alps and the Himalayan Mountains. Along with finding the consistencies of the communities with in the mountains, they also wanted to discover whether adaptation was created though the mountain environment or outside influences. Rhoades and Thompson, through researching these different mountain ranges, find many similarities throughout the alpine communities. The authors have clear points as to why they believe that the Himalayans and the Alps are so similar. What they bring up first is the fact that they are both immense mountain ranges, and because of the size special adaptations are necessary for survival. Throughout the article though, Rhoades and Thompson do not forget the differences of the ranges. The main thing to be aware of, they point out, is the fact that the Alps are surrounded by a technological advanced and wealthy society. Compared to the Alps the Sherpas of the Himalayans are only a herding society that are not affluent, and the only wealth made in the surrounding areas are from the tourism of the mountains. Putting that aside, the similarities are abundant, considering the location and climate of the two ranges. The authors look to subsistence techniques, regulatory devices, ownership patterns, and sociopolitical forms to find the paralle... ...s of similarities from yet another alpine community of the Andes Mountains. In ending, the authors find that they cannot explain the evolution of alpine areas, but they have found that throughout world mountain communities adapt in similar ways to deal with the mountain environment. The authors also wish to expand on this research but hope to further look in to the adaptations as well as the cultures of the groups. Looking throughout the article it seems as if it has completely different intents than our text. Though the article discusses the Sherpas of Nepal, our text has a completely different idea when talking about the Sherpas of Melemchi. Bishop’s text is overall a more comprehensive study of the Sherpa, and gives more detail on their lives. If anything the article adds to the Bishop text and puts the Sherpa of Nepal in the bigger picture of the world.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hawaiian Navigation Essay example -- Ancient History

Hawaiian Navigation How did the Polynesians find their way to Hawaii, over two thousand miles from any other land? Was it over population at home, or political turmoil? Whatever reason for leaving these people used amazing knowledge and skill of the ocean and of the sky to navigate them to this new land. They faced the unknown and braved into the wide-open ocean for long periods of time. The real focus in this paper is on the navigation techniques that they used in these voyages throughout the Pacific. It's impossible to teach someone the significance or the act of loving the stars and the ocean but that's what makes navigation without instruments (wayfinding) so beautiful. One can "give the heavens a meaning his own meaning" says Nainoa Thompson. Anyone can learn the aspects of navigation through personal observation and the study of charts and maps. Thus creative thinking and logic are two important skills in learning the ancient art of wayfinding. It is inspiring to think of how much water the Polynesians covered in the Pacific, over one million square miles, in a time frame of about 1000 years. Some members of the modern Hawaiian community were so impressed that they established the Polynesian Voyaging Society in 1973. They did some voyages throughout the Pacific without the help of instruments for scientific research and education. The topic was so interesting to so many people throughout the South Pacific that the voyages became more about recovering culture and about teaching the art of wayfinding so that it is not lost in time. Revival of Interest: A serious rebirth in Polynesian culture and traditions arouse after the voyages by the Hokule'a. In 1975 a replica of a Polynesian voyaging can... ... circumference. As long as people care about what's going on in the Polynesian revival of culture there will be growth. There will be energy left for people to search out the answers to our questions and the lost secrets of these amazing people who found these islands over 1,500 years ago. References: Baybayan, Chad, Kawaharada, Dennis. ( May 1996 ). Polynesian Voyaging Society Manuel. Honolulu, Hawaii: Polynesian Voyaging Society. Finney, Ben. (1994) Voyage Of Rediscovery. University of California Press. Kyselka, Will. (1987) An Ocean In Mind. Honolulu, Hawaii. University of Hawaii Press.

Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 60~61

60 Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch Mary Jean sat behind a desk fashioned entirely of rose quartz veined with fool's gold and stared out the window at the Houston skyline. A brown haze had risen to the level of her fiftieth-floor office as the exhaust of a million cars huddled against the stratosphere and curled around the city like a huge rusty cat looking for a place to nap. It just made her made as a cowpoke wearing bob-wire pants, but not mad enough, of course, to sell her shares of GM and Exxon. Blue chips was blue chips, after all, and the great state of Texas ran on oil. The intercom beeped and Mary Jean keyed her speakerphone, not because she needed her hands free to work, but because the phone receiver either got caught in her hairdo or her clip-ons rattled against it making all sorts of distracting racket. There'd been a time, before Prozac, when she'd thought for six months that the FBI was tapping her phone line, only to find out it was a pair of twenty-carat ruby cluster earrings banging against the earpiece. â€Å"Yes, Melanie.† â€Å"Tucker Case on the phone, Mary Jean. He's been calling all day. I've tried to put him off, but he says that people are going to die if you don't talk to him.† â€Å"Does he sound drunk?† â€Å"No, Ma'am. He sounds serious.† Mary Jean took a deep breath and looked up at the Monet hanging on the far wall. Twenty million dollars, depreciated as office furnishings, ap-preciated to twice its value and donated to a museum as a donation write-off at full value, with no capital gains, and there it would hang until the day of her death when it would go to the museum. And it also matched the couch. â€Å"Put him through,† she said. â€Å"Mary Jean, it's Tucker.† â€Å"I was just thinking of you. How are you, sweetie?† â€Å"Mary Jean, I'm stone sober and I need you to listen.† â€Å"Go on, Tucker. I got more ears than a cornfield in June.† â€Å"First, I know that there were never any criminal charges filed, and I don't blame you for trying to get me out of the way. But I could really use some help.† Mary Jean blanched. â€Å"Can you hold one second, darlin? Thanks.† She pushed the hold button and then the intercom. â€Å"Melanie, dear, would you mind bringing me a couple of number five Valiums and a little glass of juice? Thank you.† She clicked back to Tuck. â€Å"Go on, honey.† And Tuck did, for fifteen minutes, and when he finished, Mary Jean said, â€Å"Well, that's just not right. That's just terrible.† â€Å"Yes, it is, Mary Jean.† â€Å"We just can't have that,† she said. â€Å"You give Melanie your number there. I'll see what I can do.† â€Å"Mary Jean, I really appreciate this. If I could go to anyone else, I would.† â€Å"And hurt my feelings? No, you wouldn't. Tucker Case, I've been selling the power to change yourself for forty years. Now, if I don't believe in the power of redemption, then I'm guilty of false advertising, aren't I? You sit tight, now. Bye.† She clicked the intercom. â€Å"Melanie, get me Jake Skye on the line, please. Thank you, dear.† 61 Roundhouse Aloha Tuck stood at the arrival gate amid a group of Hawaiian college students wearing grass skirts and sarongs and festooned with leis they were draping on tourists as they came out of the tunnel from the 747. Tuck spotted Jake Skye well before he came out of the tunnel. He was a head taller than most of the tourists and one of the few who had a tan. Tuck waved to him and Jake tossed his head to show he'd seen him. He came out grinning with his hand extended. Tuck smiled and hit Jake with a roundhouse to the jaw that knocked him back into a group of pseudo hula girls. Jake apologized to the girls and rubbed his jaw as he turned to Tuck. â€Å"We done?† â€Å"I guess so,† Tucker said. He knew that Jake would never apologize for selling him out. Jake fell in beside Tuck and they walked through the terminal. â€Å"I didn't see that coming. You've changed, buddy.† â€Å"I guess so,† said Tuck. â€Å"Thanks for coming.† â€Å"I'm just here to take you home.† Jake pulled two airline ticket folders out of his shirt pocket. â€Å"Mary Jean says you can bring your new girlfriend.† â€Å"I'm not going home, Jake.† â€Å"You're not?† â€Å"No. I need your help, but I'm not going back to Houston.† â€Å"There's a stop in San Francisco. You can get off there.† â€Å"No. I've got some things I need to do.† â€Å"Buy me a drink.† Jake turned and walked into an open cocktail lounge where a twenty-foot waterfall fell over black lava rock among a forest of bromeliads and orchids. â€Å"Cool airport,† Jake said, pulling a stool up to the bar. â€Å"You ever think about living in the tropics?† Tuck whipped around on his stool and Jake held up his hands in surrender. â€Å"Just kidding. Okay, what's the story?† This time Tuck told the story leaving out none of the details, and to his credit, Jake did not call him crazy at the end. â€Å"So what do you think you can do?† â€Å"Well, first, I thought you could hack the doctor's computer and erase the database. It might slow up the process if he has to do all the tissue types again.† Jake was shaking his head, â€Å"Can't do it, buddy. Even if I wanted to.† â€Å"Why not? I've got the password.† Jake drained off the last of his third Mai Tai. â€Å"He's on a satellite uplink net. The connection only goes two ways if he wants it to. I won't be able to get in. Besides, it's not in the mission parameters. I'm supposed to come here, get you, and take you home. Period.† Tuck dug a slip of paper from his back pocket and unfolded it. â€Å"I've got these. Maybe they can help.† Jake was still shaking his head, but he stopped when he saw the numbers written on the paper. â€Å"Where did you get those numbers?† â€Å"They were on the bottom of a desk drawer in Curtis's clinic.† â€Å"They're not computer codes, Tuck. You see those letters at the end? BSI? You know what that is?† Tuck shook his head. â€Å"Banc Suisse Italiano. Those are Swiss bank account numbers.† Jake tried to snatch the paper and Tuck pulled it out of his reach. â€Å"You willing to expand the mission parameters?† Tuck said. Jake was staring at the paper in Tuck's hand. â€Å"How much?† â€Å"Half.† Jake scratched his three-day growth of beard. â€Å"And they were getting how much per kidney?† â€Å"Half a mil.† Jake cringed, then relaxed and put his hand on Tuck's shoulder. â€Å"What did you have in mind, partner?† â€Å"I want to get the Shark People off the island.† â€Å"How many? Three hundred and change? Hire a ship.† â€Å"I want to go sooner. I want to fly them off.† Jake smiled. The wheels were working now. â€Å"It's going to take a big plane: 747 or L-1011. That island got enough runway for something that size?† â€Å"Can we get something that size?† â€Å"Not legally,† Jake said. â€Å"I'm not worried about legally. I'm worried about logistically.† Jake stood up. â€Å"I'm not flying it. I get you a plane, I get half. Deal?† â€Å"I'll give you one of the account numbers as soon as we get the plane. You take your chances whether there's money in it or not. If I don't make it, and the money's in my account, you're screwed.† Jake considered it, then nodded. â€Å"I can live with that. Let's go watch the big planes take off.† Tuck was amazed at the way Jake's mind worked. The second he'd accepted that they were going to steal a 747, it became a problem, and when it came to solving problems, Jake was the best. They stood on an open walkway that overlooked the tarmac, watching the 747s taxiing into the terminal. â€Å"The best thing,† Jake said, â€Å"about stealing a 747 is that no one assumes that anyone is crazy enough to try it.† â€Å"I thought people tried to steal them all the time. It's a league sport in the Middle East, isn't it?† â€Å"They hijack, they don't steal. With hijacking, you have to take a pilot with you.† Jake pointed to a row of planes docked at the terminal by rolling walkways. â€Å"These guys? Out of the question,† he said. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Because they've just come in and they're low on fuel or they're being fueled to take off again, and most of the time, if you can get in them, there's a crew on board.† He pointed to some jets parked near hangars at the far side of the airfield. â€Å"Those are our babies. They've got fuel, but they're waiting for a crew and passengers. After midnight nothing goes out of this airport except FedEx. The advantage of a vacation destination. Nobody wants to fly in our out at night.† The planes were a good half a mile away. â€Å"That's a long way to go across an airfield without the tower seeing us and calling security. And we have to drive a ramp over to it to get inside.† â€Å"No, we don't. There's an emergency escape hatch for the pilots in the roof over the cockpit.† â€Å"That's four stories up. How are you going to get up to it?† â€Å"Down to it,† Jake said. â€Å"Down?† â€Å"The problem is how to get the hatch unlatched. They only open from the inside.† â€Å"I'm still a little unclear on the ‘down' part of the plan,† Tuck said. At some point he was going to be on top of a 747 and heights made him nervous. â€Å"Let me worry about that,† Jake said. Then he snapped his fingers as if conjuring the answer to his problem out of thin air. â€Å"I've got the answer right here in front of me. What was I thinking? I'm working with the master.† Tuck looked around, thinking that Jake was talking about someone else. â€Å"Are you talking about me? I don't know how to do anything.† â€Å"But you're wrong, Tuck, you're wrong. For this part of the plan we need the cooperation of a flight attendant. Come on, let's get my bag. I've got an extra change of clothes you can wear.† â€Å"What's wrong with these clothes?† Tuck asked. He was still wearing the oversized and now distressed hand-me-downs of Sebastian Curtis. â€Å"Like you have to ask.† Jake spent an hour studying flight schedules and talking to counter people at the different airlines. Tuck took the opportunity to call the hotel to check on Sepie. She answered on the second ring. â€Å"Hello. How much is washer-dryer combination?† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Maytag washer-dryer combination with minibasket and wrinkle guard. How much?† â€Å"I don't know. Maybe a grand. Are you okay?† She'd put the phone down and he heard her shouting at the TV, â€Å"Is a grand! Is a grand! You fuckin' mook! Oh, no.† She picked up the phone again. â€Å"You wrong. Is eleven nine nine suggested retail. You lose.† â€Å"You're watching ‘The Price Is Right'?† â€Å"They give you things if you know how much. Is very hard.† â€Å"Do you need anything?† Tuck asked. â€Å"I can call room service from here and have them bring you some food.† â€Å"Perfume and lipstick,† Sepie said. â€Å"That'll have to wait. I'll be back soon, okay?† â€Å"Okay. Tuck?† â€Å"What, Sepie?† â€Å"What is washer-dryer combination?† â€Å"I'll explain later. I have to go now.† She hung up on him. Evidently, her fascination with plumbing and television didn't extend to the telephone. He found Jake talking to a girl at the United counter who was obviously taken with the grungy pilot's charm. He saw Tuck and said good-bye. â€Å"I've found our plane and the crew assignments. We have a ten-minute window to get to Gate 38 so you can work your magic.† The plan was for Tuck to spot a flight attendant coming off the plane, get to know her, and convince her to go back into the jet and throw the latch on the emergency hatch before the plane was cleaned and moved away from the terminal. They waited at the tunnel into Gate 38. The passengers had long since deplaned, as had the pilots. â€Å"Remember, you want to go ugly,† Jake said. â€Å"I know,† Tuck said. He'd changed into Jake's clothes, which fit him, at least, even if he looked like a guitar player for a Seattle grunge band. â€Å"And old if you can get it.† â€Å"I know,† Tuck said. â€Å"You want a woman who looks like she couldn't get laid in a men's colony.† â€Å"I know,† Tuck said. â€Å"Would you back off? I haven't done this in a while.† â€Å"Like riding a bicycle, buddy.† The first flight attendant out of the tunnel was a pretty blond woman, about twenty-five. â€Å"Pass,† Jake said. The next was a man, and the next a tall black woman who could have been a runway model. â€Å"They're killing us here,† Jake said. â€Å"How would you feel about going for the guy? He's our best chance so far.† â€Å"Fuck off, Jake.† â€Å"Just an idea.† They waited for five more minutes before a tired-looking woman in her fifties came down the tunnel pulling her flight bag behind her. â€Å"Go to it, stud,† Jake said. He gave Tucker a little shove. Tuck shoved back without taking his eyes off the woman. â€Å"I can't do this, Jake.† â€Å"What?† Jake Skye grabbed Tuck's wrist and pretended to be taking his pulse. Tuck pulled away from him. â€Å"I can't do this.† â€Å"Don't pull this shit on me, buddy. She's getting away. This is what you do.† â€Å"Not anymore, I don't.† â€Å"Well, I sure as hell do.† Jake pulled off the flannel shirt he was wearing open over his black T-shirt and threw it to Tuck. â€Å"Go back to your hotel and wait for me to call. What room are you in?† â€Å"Twelve-thirty.† Jake pushed the T-shirt sleeves up just enough for his biceps to show and took off down the concourse after the middle-aged flight attendant. Tuck went outside and found the shuttle to the Hyatt Regency. During the ride back to the hotel, he realized that he had no idea how to explain a washer-dryer combination to someone who had never worn shoes or a shirt until two days ago. He decided to go with magic.